Cursed YTMND Page

Has anyone heard of the alleged "cursed" YTMND page? According to some users, it was made in 2006 by a user (who is now long gone) named Satan666. This was his only YTMND website he made.
This is what supposedly happens on it, according to a user, who died after viewing it:
"When you click on it, it will load up like any other YTMND site. But instead of loading 100%, it loaded up to 666% and the YTMND starting to get static on it, not the site, just the logo itself. Then, it showed disgusting and shocking images, like slaughter house footage, dead humans and animals, and images from gory image websites.
It then shows Moon Man hanging on a cross. His glasses were cracked and he was missing some teeth. It shows footage from shock websites as well afterwards.
After that, a message in a bloody font appears saying:
'Enjoy Your Day, (insert user's real name here)'
It then ends with real footage of hell."
The people who viewed the websites reported hearing thumping in their house and something scratching their doors, trying to get into their rooms, while their sleeping. Some also report seeing Moon Man from the site out of the corner of their eye with red, glowing eyes, staring angerily at them.
After a few users committed suicide after viewing it, Max Goldberg, the creator of YTMND, took it down and deleted the user's account.
Though, some people say that the site was reuploaded on the deep web and is only acessible through Tor.